from 01.01.1997 to 01.01.2023
GUU (Department of Accounting, Audit and Taxation, State University of Management,, Professor)
Moscow, Russian Federation
The narrowing of the horizon of global production and procurement since 2022, the Russian corporate management has faced the problem of reformatting logistics to find new concepts for managing the prerequisites for competition in the digital programming market, which has entered a new stage of digital supply chain support. In the new conditions, the planning of services for the integration of intelligent supply chains has become particularly relevant. The article reveals the factors that caused the reformatting of supply chains in digital design. The principles and methods of achieving the greatest result in the transition to multu-modal logistics are proposed.
Multimodal logistics, procurement in electronic format, supply chains, digital competition of procurement and supply, outsourcing, forms of supply management in digital format.
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