Russian Federation
Russian Federation
VAC 5.2.3 Региональная и отраслевая экономика
VAC 5.2.4 Финансы
VAC 5.2.5 Мировая экономика
VAC 5.2.6 Менеджмент
VAC 5.2.7 Государственное и муниципальное управление
UDK 631.16 Финансовое состояние хозяйства и его экономическая оценка
The article presents the results of a study in the field of ensuring the balance of economic interests in the interaction of backbone organizations of the grain product chain. The backbone organizations of agro-food chains have a special status, influence the state of the food market, determine key trends in the economic sphere and are responsible for solving socio-economic problems. The authors propose methodological approaches to substantiate the balance of economic interests of backbone organizations through the prism of income equivalence within the framework of the grain product chain. A combined algorithm is proposed that allows using a wide range of digital databases to select methodological tools to justify the balance of economic interests of backbone organizations.
grain product chain, income equivalence, backbone organizations, balance of economic interests
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