Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the issues of improving the function of estimated planning of returnable waste of industrial enterprises, including the results obtained in the information base of the strategy of sustainable production and sustainable development. Improving the quality of the source information by introducing a multi-level verification system will allow implementing the methodology proposed by the author, integrating calculation and estimate planning in a single information and tool space, and improving the accuracy of economic calculations in general. The purpose of the study was to increase the efficiency of returnable waste management, the tasks of which include improving the methodology of estimated planning of this type of resource, restructuring information sources for the formation of estimates of material costs of the enterprise and its form. The study was conducted using a process approach, methods of observation, collection, accumulation and systematization of the most significant parameters of returnable waste, their verification, analysis, synthesis and scientific interpretation of the results obtained.

Material resources, returnable waste, industrial enterprises, calculation, estimated planning, value stream, information base, normalized cost base, verification
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