Russian Federation
Information of interaction of subjects of industrial activities is one of the most important priorities of the industry management system and suggests structural and functional reorganization of the infrastructural support system both at the micro and macro levels. Tools using information infrastructure can be differentiated according to the type of industry. A segmentation of channels use the information infrastructure of industrial enterprises in the framework of a process-oriented approach that allows you to define the role of the information infrastructure, which improves the efficiency of each of these business process. A model of infrastructural support implementation of industrial policy, which covers both the level of districts and industrial districts, and the federal district level. Based approaches to reduce the fixed costs due to the active use of the idea of information-analytical outsourcing, implemented on the basis of the proposed system of information and infrastructural support industrial policy, purposeful on increasing the volume of core business, increasing business activity and the development of information exchange channels
infrastructure support, industrial enterprises, segmentation, outsourcing, information support.
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